At the Y.A.L.E. School Ellisburg Campus

Love Letters from Green Tech Activity Lab!

Since April of last year, Green Tech students have been steadily crafting letter packets, for a local group called “Love Letters for Literacy”.

From their website:

Love Letters for Literacy is a service organization that makes kids LOVE LEARNING THE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET! By providing pre-readers from lower income neighborhoods with packets of handmade letters and teaching their family to play games with the letters, these children are more likely to start reading at a younger age. Love Letters packets engages families to make learning letters into a game.  Each child also gets to select a bag of books to take home to keep!  Love Letters promote literacy while encouraging a lifelong love of reading!”     

The Love Letters project is an ideal example of the kind of community involvement we are looking for at Green Tech Activity Lab. Our students are able to put their cutting/pasting/laminating/assembly skills to use in a real world application, and for a great cause! Their hard work has inspired many other schools and organizations to get involved! For more information, and to see some of our handiwork “in action” please visit the Love Letters for Literacy website!


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gtal • April 12, 2016

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